Pourcentage Battery dans la barre d'état. Estimations du temps d'utilisation et de charge. Battery indique le niveau de charge de Battery de votre appareil. Battery est une petite, S
Pourcentage Battery dans la barre d'état. Estimations du temps d'utilisation et de charge.
Battery indique le niveau de charge de Battery de votre appareil.
Battery is a small, sleek and elegant app that will help you follow the current Battery percentage on your Android device.
With Battery , every time and everywhere you will know if your Battery is charged enough to play a game, a movie, or to browse the web.
There is no other Battery app with such intuitive, neat and gorgeous interface as Battery has. The UI of Battery is as simple as possible, but tremendously practical.
Nous travaillerons constamment pour améliorer Battery , en ajoutant les nouvelles fonctionnalités très proches, comme les informations utiles Battery , les conseils Battery , les nouveaux widgets et bien d'autres.
✓ Displays Battery information in percent (%)
✓ Supports the lock screen widget
✓ Full support for all known screen resolutions
✓ Power source indicator
✓ The precise Battery level is displayed in 1% increments
✓ Battery is incredibly lightweight!
✓ Additional Battery information:
- Température
- Tension
- Health status
- Technologie
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